# Thanks for checking out Safari Blacklist! # If you found this file outside of the website, # go to safariblacklist.com for more information. # I hope this file helps explain patterns and # gives you a starting point for blocking sites that # are wasting your time and attention. ############ # Shopping # ############ # Big stores https?://(www.)?amazon.* https?://(www.)?target.* https?://(www.)?walmart.* # Athletic brands https?://(www.)?nike.* https?://(www.)?adidas.* https?://(www.)?underarmour.* https?://.*\.puma.* # Favorite used goods platforms https?://(www.)?ebay.* https?://.*\.craigslist.* https?://(www.)?poshmark.* https?://(www.)?mercari.* https?://(www.)?depop.* https?://(www.)?grailed.* https?://(www.)?therealreal.* # Clothes https?://(www.)?ssense.* # Music shops https?://(www.)?sweetwater.* https?://(www.)?guitarcenter.* https?://(www.)?reverb.* ################# # Entertainment # ################# # YouTube is really the big one for me https?://(www.)?youtube.* https?://(m.)?youtube.* https?://(www.)?vimeo.* https?://.*\.twitch.tv.* ########## # Social # ########## # The main ones https?://.*\.facebook.* https?://(www.)?instagram.* https?://(www.)?twitter.* https?://(www.)?tiktok.* https?://(www.)?reddit.* # The guitar forums https?://(www.)?squier-talk.* https?://(www.)?offsetguitars.* https?://(www.)?strat-talk.* https?://(www.)?tdpri.* https?://(www.)?talkbass.* https?://(www.)?thegearpage.* https?://(www.)?jazzguitar.be/forum.* https?://(www.)?acousticguitarforum.* ######### # Other # ######### # Block popular search engine image searches ## Can't figure out Google's on iOS because the URLs are so weird (╯°□°)╯ but for Safari MacOS it's: https?://(www.)?google.*&tbm=isch.* ## which won't do anything on iOS. ## If you search from images.google.com, the pattern is: https?://(www.)?google.*sclient=.*img ## which does work, but I don't usually search direct from images.google.com. ## Anyway, here are others: https?://duckduckgo.*iax=images.*ia=images https?://(www.)?bing.com/images.* https?://images.search.yahoo.* https?://(www.)?ecosia.org/images.* ## But I'll add Google video and shopping search because why not https?://(www.)?google.*tbm=vid.* https?://(www.)?google.*tbm=shop.*